
You can get data in and out of Hook thanks to its Shortcuts, AppleScript dictionary, and x-callback-url. Plus there are third party tools that utilize this automation.

You can get a list of all the bookmarks created by Hook. For any bookmark, you can get all the bookmarks hooked (linked) to it. You can also automatically invoke Hook on a particular file bookmark. There are some other functions.

That means that you can control Hook with launchers (such as Alfred and LaunchBar), Keyboard Maestro, or other scripts and programs.

macOS Shortcuts

Hook supports macOS Shortcuts automation. Please refer to:

If you have questions about this, please get in touch.


The best way to see what Hookmark can do with AppleScript automation is to open its AppleScript dictionary. There’s lots there !

LaunchBar, Alfred & Trickster

Hook users, including CogSci Apps, sometimes share their scripts in the Hook scripts topics of the Hook Productivity Forum.

DEVONthink automation with AppleScript

Command line interface (CLI) by Brett Terpstra

Brett Terpstra has created a great command line interface to control Hook. Check it out.

SearchLink by Brett Terpstra

Brett Terpstra has also written the handy SearchLink utility, which we used to insert this link 😉. It leverages the Hook CLI he wrote.


Given Hook’s API, you can find other Hook-related scripts on the web.

Similarly, please consider sharing your Hook automation scripts on the Hook productivity forum or wherever else there are interested readers, like Zsolt Benke, Brett Terpstra and others have.