Shortcuts Tab

In Hookmark’s Shortcuts preferences pane you can configure several global keyboard shortcuts. Those are shortcuts that work even if neither Hookmark’s contextual window nor Hookmark’s menu bar window are open, so long as you’ve launched Hookmark. The global commands are:

Each shortcut can be enabled or disabled with a checkbox.

Show Hookmark window (global keyboard-shortcut)

Hookmark supports having up to two alternative keyboard shortcuts for activating Hookmark. The default keyboard shortcut for showing Hookmark’s contextual window is ⌃H (control-key H). This is the command to use to invoke Hookmark.

You can assign a different and/or additional global hotkey or key combination with which to invoke the Hookmark window. This will override any other application which uses the same keys, so choose keys which won’t conflict with anything important. If you uncheck the checkbox to the left of the keyboard shortcut, Hookmark will not respond to the specified hotkey.

Please note that the default alternative keyboard shortcut is ⇧⌘space. That is: spacebar key while holding the shift and ⌘ keys down at the same time.

Show Hookmark menu bar window (global keyboard shortcut)

You can also configure a global keyboard shortcut for showing Hookmark’s menu bar window.

Configure Hookmark commands non-globally

You can also configure most of Hookmark’s menu items in the same way as you can most Mac apps. For instance, you can change the keyboard shortcuts for Reveal File in Finder.

Those are not configured on the Shortcuts tab, but in System Preferences. Just:

  1. Click on the Apple menu (top left).
  2. Click on System Preferences.
  3. Click on Keyboard.
  4. Click Shortcuts.

See: Create keyboard shortcuts for apps on Mac.

List of keyboard shortcuts for Hookmark commands

Hookmark has many keyboard shortcuts. They are listed in All Commands & Shortcuts. Reading that document is an excellent way to learn what Hookmark can do for you.