Using Hookmark With Fastmail

Hookmark 3.4.3 updates integration with FMail, a free native Mac application for Fastmail.

The new integration enables users to use the standard (RFC-5322 compliant) ID of the selected email to construct hook://file/ URLs, instead of using the fmail:// URL scheme. That way, FMail users can email their colleagues links to emails that they can open with a large variety of Mac apps (and soon on iOS). Similarly, FMail users are now able to receive and open hook://email/ links received from users of, Airmail, MailMate, and other email apps.

Using the old FMail integration

If you’d rather continue using fmail:// URIs, then:

  1. Open Hookmark’s preferences.
  2. Select the Script Editor tab.
  3. Select the FMail item on the left side of the window.
  4. Click on “Get Address”.
  5. Paste the following text in the field and click “Save”.
tell application "FMail"
    set email_address to getAddress
end tell

tell application "System Events" to tell process "FMail"
    set email_title to name of window 1
end tell
return "[" & email_title & "](" & email_address & ")"

see also

The FMail developer has published this page about Hookmark.