

💡 Learn Daylite, Hook, keyboardmaestro and Zapier with Tim Stringer!

There’s a great opportunity to learn from @timstringer about getting more out of Daylite with some great automation software and OmniFocus. LearnOmniFocus tweeted: Join us Wed, Apr 27 🕙 10-11am PDT and learn: ✔ The basics of @dayliteapp ✔ How to link #OmniFocus + Daylite with built-in features, @HookProductvT & @keyboardmaestro ✔ How to use […]

💡 Learn Daylite, Hook, keyboardmaestro and Zapier with Tim Stringer! Read More »

🎉 Announcing the Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking: Professors, Developers, and Podcasters Unite for You to Be Able to Focus More

🎉 Great News! 23 Mac app developers, professors and podcasters have jointly originated/signed The Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking, which will be published on Dec 6, 2021 EST ! This is a very significant development for everyone who values being able to access information with hyperlinks on any device. Following its preamble, the Ubiquitous Linking Manifesto

🎉 Announcing the Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking: Professors, Developers, and Podcasters Unite for You to Be Able to Focus More Read More »

News 🎉 : MacSparky’s DEVONthink field guide; ToDoist Training; SnoozzZfest😴 ; Hook 3.3 Public beta; 💡Tips; New Software Integrations; Hook for iPad/iPhone

If you already subscribe to the Hook productivity newsletter, then you know the following: Hook 3.3 public beta: Hook foreground New and updated software integrations 💡: All apps that provide URLs are compatible with Hook! 💡: Rename oddly named links DEVONthink and Todoist training by David Sparks and Lee Garrett, respectively SnoozzZfest for productivity and

News 🎉 : MacSparky’s DEVONthink field guide; ToDoist Training; SnoozzZfest😴 ; Hook 3.3 Public beta; 💡Tips; New Software Integrations; Hook for iPad/iPhone Read More »

🎉 Hook 3.0 and Hook 3.1 in a Nutshell

Hook 3.0 and Hook 3.1 have been released (May 3rd & 13th). Major changes in Hook 3.0 include, enhanced Hook to New, Pinboard integration, compiled universally for M1 & Intel. Hook to New significantly enhanced First a Tip 💡 : If you have not been using Hook to New, you’ve been missing out. 3 forms

🎉 Hook 3.0 and Hook 3.1 in a Nutshell Read More »

Hook Update: Craft, GoodTask, PDF software, Screencasts

One of the great joys we have at CogSci Apps is interacting with leading developers who, by making their software’s data linkable via automation and an apt user interface, show that they value what David Sparks calls contextual computing and Seth Godin calls minimizing mode switching. Keep reading to learn about Hook’s integrations with Craft,

Hook Update: Craft, GoodTask, PDF software, Screencasts Read More »

Hook 2.1 supports Apple Notes and Obsidian; Hyperlinking manifesto coming soon

As you likely know, in November CogSci Apps released Hook 2.0 – 2.0.3. Hook has become a truly universal automatic, contextual bookmarking app. It has long been known that note-taking is an essential way to extend your memory and understanding. One of the major benefits of Hook is to enable you to create notes (in

Hook 2.1 supports Apple Notes and Obsidian; Hyperlinking manifesto coming soon Read More »