Author name: Luc Beaudoin

Luc P. Beaudoin Co-founder, CogSci Apps Corp. My Cognitive Productivity books.

New Screencast on Linking Items Together by Dragging and Dropping them onto Hook’s Menu Bar Icon

The easiest way to initially learn how to use Hook is probably by using its menu bar icon. To link items together, just drag and drop them onto Hook’s menu bar icon: either in one fell swoop (for mesh linking), or one item followed by one or more items. Works with files, web browser addresses, […]

New Screencast on Linking Items Together by Dragging and Dropping them onto Hook’s Menu Bar Icon Read More »

Take Deep Notes about Apple Books Using Outliners, Mind Mapping Apps, Task Managers, Spreadsheets, IDEs, and More

In reading about brilliant minds, like Charles Darwin, Richard Feynman, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, you have probably learned that they tend to read, a lot. And they read deeply. This was recently illustrated in the Netflix documentary, Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates. To read deeply, we need to take notes. The

Take Deep Notes about Apple Books Using Outliners, Mind Mapping Apps, Task Managers, Spreadsheets, IDEs, and More Read More »

NotePlan 2 a Noteworthy Linkable Planning App

NotePlan NotePlan brings Markdown and other hypertext functions to your calendar and planning notes. What’s more, the latest NotePlan update, released last week, contains an AppleScript application programming interface (API) that enables users to automatically link its notes! As described below, when you invoke Hook in NotePlan, Hook uses this API. This means you can

NotePlan 2 a Noteworthy Linkable Planning App Read More »

How to Turn a TaskPaper File into a Project Information Hub

TaskPaper, the plain-text ToDo app for Mac, reminds of me of Hook. It’s extremely nimble, easy to use, and yet amazingly powerful. Because its format is conventional plain text, you can also easily work with TaskPaper files using your favorite editors. But I love PlainText; so > 99% of the time, I use that app

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