
CogSci Apps Corp. is the developer of Hookmark software, and is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. The general privacy policy for this website and app is at Privacy Policy – CogSci Apps®.

Hookmark is an app that specializes in bookmarking your information and helping you navigate your data.

The following explains how CogSci Apps Corp. relates to your data, which is basically that CogSci Apps Corp. has no visibility of the data with which Hookmark interacts, nor does Hookmark send your bookmark information to our servers.

Hookmark data privacy information

Hookmark stores your bookmarks on your Mac in the ~/Library/Application Support/com.cogsciapps.hook/ folder. You can sync your data across devices via iCloud, USB stick, a cloud service, or other means. Syncing is discussed in Sync Tab. See also How to Backup and Restore Hookmark Data. Either way, your synced data are not sent to our servers.

Bookmarking (links, hooks, etc.)

When you bookmark something, Hookmark collects and stores the bookmark locally on your Mac. A bookmark consists of title and URL. Hookmark may also add meta-information such as the date the bookmark was created. Bookmarking operations may be triggered by:

Hookmark also collects and locally stores information for bookmarking, such as to connect two bookmarks together (“hooking them together”).

Again, CogSci Apps does not itself send this information to its servers but you are free to share or sync it yourself wherever you want (it’s your data).

Hookmark has options to sync bookmarks to third-party services. These are off by default and you would need to enable them and provide authentication information to use the option.

Other information

Hookmark enables you to create .hook files (Make Hook File and various other files (Hook to New). You may keep those files on your Mac or store those files wherever you like (such as servers) — that is your business and not under the control of Hookmark either. For instance, if you do Hook to New > OmniFocus item and your OmniFocus data are synced via The Omni Group, then obviously those items will be sent to servers, but those data are not sent by Hookmark; nor are we involved in or responsible for those servers.

Anonymous Analytics

If enabled by the user, Hookmark 5 may collect anonymous analytics sent to Microsoft App Center which do not and cannot identify users. They are general information like version of macOS, type of Mac. No content (such as bookmarks, names of files etc.) is transmitted. It is strictly generic information. The information is meant to help CogSci Apps Corp. improve our software and technical support.

Internet connections

  • Hookmark may connect with its license server to register and verify/validate your Hookmark license (the license key you purchased and that may entitle you to a Hookmark product). This does not contain your email address. Nor does it contain any information about you or your device other than license related information.
  • If you use “Quick Look” in Hookmark, Hookmark may connect to the web to show you a version of the web page you are looking at.
  • Accessing Hookmark documentation via Hookmark involves connecting to
  • Calls to Microsoft App Center analytics may be made per Anonymous Analytics.
  • If you check for software updates in Hookmark (automatically or manually), then Hookmark may connect with a service such as Microsoft App Center to verify whether an update is available for you.

Further information

If you require further information, please get in touch with us: