Hookmark Pricing: Buy Once, Own Forever

Purchase of a Pro or Standard license includes access to updates released up to a year after the purchase.

If you need to renew your Hookmark Updates license, please click here.

Basic * Standard Pro
Price** free $29.99 $69.99
Buy Now! Buy Now!
Bidirectionally link (“hook”) items together
See and use unlimited number of links
Copy link to the current item to emails & web pages only ✓(and Copy All Links)
Copy links in Markdown format
Hook (link) to new items
Hook multiple items via menu bar icon
Make Hookmark files
Reveal currently open file in Finder
Bookmarks window
Automation (AppleScript and macOS Shortcuts) and edit integration scripts
Copy Selection and Link, Generate search links
Pinboard, Instapaper, GoodLinks integration
Maximum number of Macs on which can use Hookmark N/A 2 3
Software updates *** N/A for 12 months for 12 months

More features described here.


We offer a 30-day Trial of Hookmark during which you may enjoy all the features of Hookmark Pro. When the trial period expires, Hookmark downgrades automatically to Hookmark Basic unless you purchase Hookmark and activate the license link associated with your purchase.

*     In Basic mode, you can open as many links of any type as you like (whether you generated the links yourself or received them from others). You can even use Copy Link in friendly web browsers and email apps. But you can’t use Hookmark’s Copy Link function in other apps. Most Standard and Pro features are disabled in Hookmark Basic.

**   Prices do not include any applicable local taxes or VAT; those taxes will be added at checkout.

*** When you buy Hookmark (Standard or Pro), you can use Hookmark for as long as you want. Purchasing Hookmark also gives you the right to use software updates that are released within 12 months of the activation of your Hookmark license URL key. If you install a version of Hookmark that was released after your Updates period has ended, Hookmark will ask you to downgrade to an older version or purchase an Updates License. You can buy an Updates License any time to get another year of updates.

E-mail address to use when buying Hookmark

As part of the purchase checkout, you will need to specify an email address to which Paddle.com will send two emails: a receipt and a license key.

  1. Please make sure that you type this email address in carefully.
  2. If you don’t receive your activation key, please check your spam folders, and contact us if it’s not there.

System requirements

macOS 10.15 and newer official releases. Disabling macOS System Integrity Protection (“SIP”) may cause problems with software including Hookmark.

Upgrading from Standard to Pro

After applying a Standard license, you can upgrade from Standard to Pro. Upgrading gives you access to one year of Hookmark updates from the time at which you activate the Upgrade license (by successfully clicking on its license key URL, which requires an Internet connection). Upgrade from Hookmark Standard to Pro for $44.99!

Educational pricing

Full-time students, faculty and staff members of accredited educational organizations may purchase our products for their own use only, from our Educational Store.



  • The duration and features of Trial and Basic, as well as the features of any version, may be varied unilaterally by CogSci Apps Corp.
  • Prices above are listed in US dollars. We reserve the right to update our prices and terms.
  • Additional software- and license-terms are in the disk image containing Hookmark, available from Hookmark’s download page.
  • †: Compatible software (e.g., OmniFocus, Instapaper, Pinboard, GoodLinks) not included.
  • Transactions are processed by Paddle.com which is the Merchant of Record for these purchases.
  • Hookmark is also available on Setapp.

Languages: English. Hookmark can work regardless of language with compatible apps that have linking automation if suitable integration scripts for them are in place. See this page about controlling non-English apps that lack linking automation. See this page for known compatible apps and limitations.