Expert Mac Developer, Author, Blogger Brett Terpstra Features Hook Productivity App

If you love great software for macOS, then odds are you are familiar with Brett Terpstra. He is a true Mac expert: coder, author, blogger, and web developer. He has written some of the most popular note-taking and Markdown apps for macOS: nvALT, Marked 2, and with Fletcher Penney, nvUltra. He has freely shared a ton of helpful macOS software. And he has been sharing very useful information for many years on his blog, in books and in podcasts.

Brett is always on the look-out for great new macOS software. He was the first (outside of CogSci Apps ) to publish an article about Hook productivity, for Lifehacker, where he expressed his excitement about Hook, which was then in public beta.

Yesterday, Brett was again the first blogger to cover a CogSci Apps invention, this time Hook version 1.3.

Hook works well with nvALT, Marked 2, and also nvUltra. nvUltra, which is still in public beta, is the evolution of nvALT. Hook also works with MultiMarkdown Composer Check them out!