Hook 3.7 Release Notes

Initially published: 2022-07-09 (for beta). Last updated 2022-07-19 6:22 PM PT (Golden Master).

Version 3.7 (4861; Integration v. 225) is now available for download. It was built (2022-07-18, 19:10).

Executive Summary

Improvements to interactions with Hook’s context window

In Hook 3.7, we have made it easier for you to keep working in Hook, and to see that the commands you have issued have had the intended effect. Like before, after you open an item in Hook, the Hook context window will go away. However, now Hook window will stay open:

  • after you apply the Hook to Copied Link command, so you can see the new hook with your own eyes;
  • after you delete a link (in Find or context window), so you can keep working in the Hook window; and
  • even after you copy a link, unless you enable the option Hide Hook context window after copying links.

Regarding the last bullet point, we’ve changed the previous General preference Automatically hide Hook context window to Hide Hook context window after copying links, and we’ve changed the default to unchecked (false). Expert Hook users will likely set this to checked (true).

For prior installations of Hook, if you had enabled Automatically hide Hook context window then the Hide Hook context window after copying links.

Improvements to search

  • It’s now possible to search with unicode characters (beyond ASCII). This provides better support for other languages than English.
  • Hook search now returns partial matches. You no longer need to use regular expressions. This is a bit more like Spotlight®.

We’ve also substantially updated the help page about Hook’s Search.

Bug fixes

  • FIXED: bookmark from active window AppleScript fails in x-callback-url apps like Obsidian and Craft 
  • FIXED: Menubar linked state polling sometimes causes Hook hangs at initializing stage 
  • FIXED: After using global Hook to Copied Link shortcut in x-callback-url based apps, invoke certains apps would create hook between current document and any link in pasteboard 
  • FIXED: deleted bookmarks returned.
  • FIXED: Unpinned links become pinned again. 

New and improved software integrations

  • NEW: Hook now works with the Eagle image organizer, using UI scripting. It assumes its copy link command remains ⌘C .
  • New: Hook now works with the Twitter app, using UI scripting.
  • IMPROVED: Hook now provides robust hooks to items in TheBrain (TheBrain.com). You can rename an item in TheBrain and you will continue to see items previously hooked to the item. This works even for items renamed before this script update.

Eligibility for updates

Hook software updates are free to any Hook CogSci Apps customer with a Hook Updates license that was valid at the time the update was released. Hook Pro and Hook Essentials each come with one year of free access to software updates.

If your Hook Updates license has expired and you apply this update, please note that Hook will revert to Lite mode until you purchase and apply an Updates license. However, you can also revert to a previous version of Hook that was released during your Updates License period. Upgrading from Essentials to Pro includes an additional 12-month Updates license.

Next steps

So please

and enjoy 😊 .