Welcome, academics!
Hookmark is used and loved by a growing number of academics.
We understand that students are on a tight budget, and not all professors have a research grant. So we are pleased to offer them discounts.
Professors and Higher Education staff:
Buy Hookmark Pro at an Educational (25%) discount
If you appreciate the discount, please share information about Hookmark with your students and colleagues. They will ❤️ love ❤️ you for it; and it will help us deliver more updates faster 💨💨💨. 😊
Buy Hookmark Standard at an Academic (25%) discount
Email address to enter during checkout
When you go through the educational checkout process above, you will be asked to enter an email address. This must be the email address you use at your university. For example, if you are at University of British Columbia, then use your ubc.ca email address. Non-academic email addresses (such as gmail, iCloud, and fastmail) will not be accepted for educational purchases.
For customer support regarding academic licenses and discounts, please also use your academic email address.
If your university is not yet in CogSci Apps Corp.’s university database
FYI: All .edu (USA), German universities, ac.uk (UK), .edu.au (Australia), ac.za (South Africa), ac.il (Israel), edu.sa (Saudi Arabia), ac.at (Austria), edu.tr, edu.pl (Poland), ac.kr (South Korea), edu.tw (Taiwan), ac.jp (Japan), and edu.co (Columbia) universities have already been added to our database.
In order to be eligible for an educational discount, your university’s domain name (e.g., ubc.ca) must already be in CogSci Apps’ database of universities. If you enter an email address that is from a university whose domain name has not yet been registered with CogSci Apps Corp., please email <hook@cogsciapps.com> from your university email address and request that your institution be registered with CogSci Apps. Please include the following information in that email message:
- Your name.
- The name of your educational institution.
- The name of your academic faculty, program or department.
- The Province/State and city of your university.
- Country of your university.
- Type of institution (must be a degree-granting post-secondary university).
- Your affiliation to the university (Examples: student, graduate student, professor).
- Web site address of your faculty, program or department at that university. (This domain must match the domain of the email address from which you email us. For example, if the university is ubc.ca, please email us from a ubc.ca email address).
Your email address will serve as your statement to CogSci Apps Corp., developer of Hookmark, regarding the eligibility of yourself and your institution. Our Privacy Policy is on the CogSci Apps web site.
CogSci Apps may then add your university to its database, and email you to try the academic purchase again.
Terms of the license and features
The only difference between non-academic and academic licenses is the cost! An educational license to our apps provides you with all the same awesome features that you’d have access to with a regular license. The terms of Hookmark’s licenses, which are indicated on Hookmark’s main Buy page, apply to the purchase of an educational license.
In correspondence from CogSci Apps, your educational purchases will thus be referred to as “Hookmark Standard” or “Hookmark Pro”.
If you have questions regarding licenses or purchasing options, please email <hook@cogsciapps.com> and we’ll be happy to help.
Try before you buy
A four-week trial period is available to let you fully evaluate Hookmark Pro before you commit to a purchase. Hookmark can be downloaded from Hookmark’s download page.
Other exclusions
We’re sorry, but we cannot offer educational discounts to resellers or non-profit organizations. If you’re not a student, faculty, or staff member of an accredited, degree granting, educational institution, please use our non-education store to make your purchase. Also these discounts do not apply to alumni accounts.
Hookmark’s Education discounts cannot be combined with other promotions unless specifically noted in such a promotion.
Academic discounts are not currently available for Updates licenses nor for upgrading from Hookmark Standard to Hook Pro.
Thank you academics !
We are delighted you are joining the growing number of academic Hookmark users.
Hookmark and mySleepButton® are CogSci Apps® inventions based on our R&D in cognitive science.