Author name: Luc Beaudoin

Luc P. Beaudoin Co-founder, CogSci Apps Corp. My Cognitive Productivity books.

Hook Covered by Visuals Producer: “Hook, Your Captain of File Associations on the Mac”

Erik Vlietinck of Visuals Producer recently wrote a nice article about the Hook productivity app for macOS: Hook, your captain of file associations on the Mac | Visuals Producer His article mentions that Hook becomes a cross-referencing tool without the need for additional software and with the freedom to manage your files your way and

Hook Covered by Visuals Producer: “Hook, Your Captain of File Associations on the Mac” Read More »

Mac Observer Covers Keyboard Maestro, DevonThink 3.0 Public Beta, Vanilla, Hook, and More

Our Hook productivity app for macOS was recently featured on one of our favorite Mac podcasts, Mac Observer. Here’s some of what they had to say about Hook: very very cool app that lets you link things together so you don’t need to rely on your memory, because our memories are flawed. Your brain is

Mac Observer Covers Keyboard Maestro, DevonThink 3.0 Public Beta, Vanilla, Hook, and More Read More »

Use Hook with Time Tracking, Billing and Accounting Software

One of the many benefits of Hook is that it complements your time-tracking and billing systems. It enables you to include links to documents (and other items) that make your time sheets and invoices more meaningful to your clients, bookkeepers, and yourself. As I’ve long maintained on the CogZest blog, time-tracking is important for productivity.

Use Hook with Time Tracking, Billing and Accounting Software Read More »

You Can Now Purchase Hook 1.0, Which Officially Launches on Wednesday July 10!

Although Hook is still in public beta, it is now possible to buy and use a license key for Hook, which you can activate with Hook Version 1.0-beta (build 2545) and later — now available for download (or via Hook’s in-app update mechanism). Hook Version 1.0-beta (build 2545, which we have just released, or a

You Can Now Purchase Hook 1.0, Which Officially Launches on Wednesday July 10! Read More »

On Backing up and Restoring Hook Data, and Using Hook with Multiple Macs

We’ve just released new documentation about backing up, restoring and migrating Hook data: How to Backup and Restore Hook Data – Hook, and Using Hook on Multiple Macs – Hook. Regarding the second document: Hook does not yet provide a syncing mechanism. However, there are ways to use Hook on multiple machines for technology enthusiasts.

On Backing up and Restoring Hook Data, and Using Hook with Multiple Macs Read More »