
Hookmark has received glowing reviews ever since its release in early 2019, and yet it keeps getting better. (Before Oct 23, 2022, Hookmark was known as “Hook”.)

Hookmark has a 96% šŸ‘ rating on Setapp based on 445 ratings ā€” as of 2025-03-23!

I heavily rely on the ability to copy links to files and URLs, and I can’t imagine using a computer without it [Hookmark]! (Alex Arbab-Zadeh)


Iā€™ve been using Hookmark for a couple of months and honestly itā€™s the most brilliant idea of what a software could do. Thanks for developing it. (via-email)


Hook is the link-everything app for your Mac. It creates links to files, email, and other digital bits, letting you easily “hook” things together. It’s increasingly becoming part of my contextual computing workflow. (David Sparks a.k.a. “MacSparky”)


It isn’t just fine, it’s just brilliant! The speed, it is tremendous. More than the measurable speed. It’s the way it feels because I’m not stopping to think let’s go to Mail, find the email, read this. I’m just thinking: I need this, I’m there. And I’m back again. And that is worth getting and worth practicing. (William Gallagher of 58 keys)


Hook connects parts of my workflow that I’ve long-believed would never be connectable. (Brett Terpstra aka @ttscoff)


Hook had a big year in 2021 if you want to always have relevant files and documents at your fingertips while youā€™re working without spending time searching, itā€™s worth learning how Hook can help. (Brett Terpstra aka @ttscoff)


I see Hookmark as on my team (Marc M.)


I just wanted to send my gratitude for your hard and clever work. Hookmark has revolutionized my computing experience. Itā€™s as though my workflow finally functions how Iā€™ve always wanted it to, except I hadnā€™t ever dreamed it could be this good. (MAF)

Here’s an example of praise we receive on Twitter.

[Hookmark] is the link-everything app for your Mac. It creates links to files, email, and other digital bits, letting you easily “hook” things together. It’s increasingly becoming part of my contextual computing workflow. (David Sparks a.k.a. “MacSparky”)

There isnā€™t one practice area where lawyers couldnā€™t benefit enormously by using [Hookmark]. (A lawyer)

I absolutely love your work, the flexibility of workflow thanks to these features is insane. šŸ˜Š (@piotr)

I am loving, but loving [Hookmark]. For someone with a ā€œdifficultā€ memory like myself, it is an essential tool multiplying my productivityā€¦ and relieving so much stress! (Anonymous)

I really – REALLY – like this product. Great job! (anonymous)

[Hookmark] is one of the most useful apps Iā€™ve ever installed on my Mac. Thanks for making it. (@DonRabideau)

Your [Hookmark] app has literally changed my entire life for the better. Being able to cohesively link hundreds of research materials together allows me to fully concentrate on my creating, instead of losing my mind and countless hours searching for the one link needed that I can no longer remember where I put it! (anonymous)

Thank you for [Hookmark], which I love, Iā€™ve been looking forever for an app that does what [Hookmark] does! (@AndrewC)

A big fan of [Hookmark] here. Iā€™ve always wanted a program like [Hookmark] and it has been changing my work routine so much since I started using [Hookmark]. […] Thank you again for making such a wonderful program for a professional researcher. (@shinsooyun)

I am relying upon [Hookmark] more and more, esp. to streamline the process of accessing multiple sub-directories scattered across my Mac and Synology server to complete various projects. [Hookmark] ā€œreels in the fish!ā€ (Anonymous)

[Hookmark] has saved me an innumerable number of hours! (Damian)

How have I not heard about @HookProductvT before today?! Incredible Mac App that lets you make bidirectional links between any files on your system (or web pages). Basically Roam for OS. Totally a missing piece Iā€™ve been looking for. Highly recommend. (Conor White-Sullivan: CEO, Roam Research.)

this is totally something Iā€™m going to be recommending to Roam users as a complementary tool (Conor White-Sullivan: CEO, Roam Research)

Very excited to see that @HookProductvT links might soon be useable on iPad! The missing link! A great (and essential) tool keeps getting better and better! (@bryanhughes)

Finally checked out @HookProductvT app tonight, and itā€™s blowing my mind. The deep linking into PDFs with Skim PDF app makes academic writing so much easier. (@pronetobits)

Itā€™s an understatement to say this is ā€œhandyā€ ā€¦ especially if you have several projects going at the same time and who doesnā€™t?

its usefulness as a project ā€œhubā€ in [Workflowy] is worth the cost of the Pro version. As far as Iā€™m concerned, [Hookmark] and WF are a match made in heaven.

thank you for a terrific app. Iā€™m finding new uses for it all the time. (@prob)

[Hookmark] is proving to be such a task-management game-changer, I just wish I could get around these blank Firefox tabs! Maybe Iā€™ll just have to live with them? (Iā€™m not going back to Chromeā€¦) (@ashcreighton)

This is a fantastic appā€¦ takes a little to get your head round it, but once you do, it unlocks so many possibilities!! (@joelafferty)

it’s such a powerful concept! (@Rickenharp)

Daily haiku: just discovered the [Hookmark] mac app. Iā€™m already Hookā€™ed. (spoiler: lets you create hyperlinks between apps for anything ā€” emails, files, whatever you can think of.) (@AlexRChampagne)

Let me just say this: OH MY GOD WHY HAVE I NOT KNOWN THIS APP BEFORE. I sometimes use URIs, but theyā€™re so limited. Thank you so much for creating it! (anonymous)

In brighter news today, I have discovered an amazing little tool–the @HookProductvT app. Just one e.g.: I can create a link from each email I open in the AM to add to a paper, list, file, anything… later, when working in the file, click the link and it opens the email. Magic! (@DrJenOverbeck)

[Hookmark] was often mentioned as being super useful and so I decided to give it a try myself and I was not disappointed! For me as an academic it is great to be able to create relations between the different apps I use for research – I make ā€œhooks” from Bookends for my references / use ā€œhooksā€™ in Scrivener when I write / make ā€œhooksā€™ from entries in Devonthink (my database) / and I am also using [Hookmark] with Craft for notes and to create links to email messages in Craft. (anonymous)

It is a very useful app for a student of history doing heaps of online research. (anonymous-student)

highly impressed with how it made me from Messy and unorganized to highly intellectual and well-organized with my overall workflow. (anonymous)

Thanks much for the great functionality that [Hookmark] provides. Itā€™s been extremely useful. I use it with Obsidian and [MarginNote and DEVONthink] to link related research sources together. (anonymous student)

I use @HookProductvT to link tasks, (Craft) documents, calendar events and files. [Hookmark] has a bit of a learning curve, but itā€™s the missing glue for my productivity system. (@tafkaf)

Thank you for [Hookmark]. It’s a fantastic application that I use many times a day. […] I’m happy to enthusiastically recommend [Hookmark]. (anonymous)

Wow, Hookmarks are like magic bookmarks on steroids. Awesome! (anonymous)

Seriously, Apple should just buy @CogSciApps’ [Hookmark] app and implement it into macOS on a deeper level. Such a phenomenal yet somehow basic idea. (@fab1An)

Hookmark has been an incredibly useful tool for me in organizing my links (Guy Engler)

I use a LOT of apps, so Hook is a huge workflow improvement, because it really helps connecting things from everywhere. (anonymous)

[Hookmark helps me deal with] Many meetings and related work going on at once, allows me to quickly link up related projects and ideas. (anonymous)

[Hookmark] allows me to connect tasks to research documents and materials; allows me to connect reading notes to original sources (PDFs in Bookends, DEVONthink and Finder – though there is some functional duplication I know I do not need to do here – and also into Tinderbox notes) (anonymous)

[Hookmark enables] Quickly switching from todo list to task; quickly loading common contexts (single apps, sites, or Bunch contexts). (anonymous)

[Hookmark] Saves me time, allows me to find files and quotes with less friction (anonymous)

Direct linking is a real gamechanger. You don’t realise how much time you waste on local search until its gone. AlthoughFishtail

Hookmark is really amazing, I love the work that you are doing! (Anonymous)